“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
— Albert Einstein
“Less is more”, the core idea of minimalism, is also a profound manifestation of the best performance and lowest cost through the simplest design in the field of communications. For example, the design of integrated circuits, the design of signal integrity and so on, including the main character of today’s article, the TOSA device in the optical transceiver.
For converting electrical signals to light signals,as the emission device in the optical transceiver,the TOSA component is the core component of the optical communication industry.

As the profound embodiment of minimalist design,the new mini TOSA designed by Gigalight is mainly applied to the 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 optical transceiver in data center. In terms of cost, the simple design reduced the total price by more than 30%. In terms of performance, the CWDM4 module is fully applicable to the application of the current data center by means of excellent coupling and bonding process.

Compared with the traditional design,the new version mini TOSA uses a low cost components to enhance the performance when running in the reliability tests for over 1000 hours without failure. It also overcomes the price defects of the hermetic package,the new one reduces the difficulty of machining and design cost. In chip and flexible panel design, the new version of mini TOSA also makes improvement in cost reduction.

In terms of reliability testing, we find that its performance is really excellent.

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